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72 pieces
13 solves
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  1. kbinuk20054:17
  2. essendonbendigo6:43
  3. BobbiB6:52
  4. Erzulis7:07
  5. Brockley7:13
  6. Dulci89:18


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and, by the way, the puzzle looks really challenging ^^


that is why i am on last puzzle, shaped like a bear, 3000 pieces was half done..when one of my cats decided it is a cool place to puke.....

Now, who actually did that? The fella on the table owning his guilt or the guy lurking almost out of the picture playing innocent? (No gender bias intended!) Loved doing this puzzle!

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  • Did you know you can invite a friend to a jigsaw puzzle?

    Sometimes we come across a fantastic puzzle or interesting comments and think of a friend who would appreciate sharing our experience. Here is how you invite a friend to a jigsaw puzzle on Jigidi ☺