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"Daddy Loves Me, Too!"

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Laviini Kissa gets his turn to sleep with his father, Inky. Notice that Inky has both paws hugging his son.
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  1. dobrajaneckova0:32
  2. Hornxy0:36
  3. Jackie480:36
  4. racoonstar0:38
  5. Ianto0:40
  6. Rackles0:41
  7. hadzi0:41
  8. Jaz93660:42
  9. vt11630:49
  10. Finnegan0:51


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Thank you. Back at you. 💕❤️💕


@Bugster Hugs happen a lot in this family! Here's one for you 🤗 💞


Another great picture! 💕❤️💕


@beyondwords Inky makes time for all of them. Starlight Baby, the former feral, did the same for him at 4 weeks old, so I think it's a learned behavior from the much older Baby's loving care. Inky had no other "father or mother" role model in his life when he was found in a box. 💕💖💕


Another great father-son relationship.

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24 November 2020 - 16 June 2018
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