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Maggie & Mikie 2017, Pendleton Ind. mural

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  1. Tina39:50
  2. Stellaviv1:17:16


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Stellaviv, you are very brave to give your heart away again. No coincidence that your new girl is a Chow-Shepherd mix!


Oh, I feel that. I’m very sorry for your loss. Two years ago, both of my beloved girls (a black Chow / Akita mix and a black German Shep) went over rainbow bridge within 5 months of each other. I still miss them each and every day. Last year I adopted a my new girl, a black Chow / German Shep mix, and I just adore her.❤️


Your welcome Stella. My dearest best friend Mikie-Boy was five years old then in 2017. He is with our angels now. I miss him SO MUCH!


Really fun puzzle! Very cute little doggie too! Thanks for sharing!

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