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I Thought Goofie Fans Might Need a Smile

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Hey Folks!
I managed to catch this one; sorry for the "washed out color" but to get anything of those "hacked off yellow eyes" I had to. Robin Rene, the black gal had been curled up in her corner all afternoon. Little Brother Tres came up and decided to snooze next to her.
All of a sudden I heard a "Swooch" sound and a HISS! Tres's head had fallen of the back of the couch and landed on her butt! MUCH to her displeasure! :)
She glared at me, he never moved, I took my pictures, he never moved; she finally vacated the corner!
Kitten kids!!!
Love to Impie & Liertje!!!! You have a bunch of virtual hugs and real love aimed at you both!
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I love the way Tres is always stretched out and thanks for the smile ♥

He can, tisketsmum, he can!


Tres, you're a real boy alright, could sleep through anything

LMSmithcats, she does look like a little panther, and is JET black! Hard to photograph...

Thanks, Pammi. Robin Rene looks like a small panther. I know those sounds all too well.


Carrie, I do believe that will happen some time in the (hopefully) not too distant future. Right now, I think that both Impie and Liertje need some time to work through their loss mentally and then perhaps the time is not too far off when one says to the other "Remember when he ........." and they can both share a laugh over the particular Goofie quirk they have just remembered. I think everyone who has lost a beloved pet has had to work through their loss and it takes as long as it takes. ♥♥♥


They're so adorable and so much fun to watch!

I pray that Impie hurries off to the same place she found Goofie and finds another kitty who needs her and wants to come home with her.

Oh Pammi, I hope so! It brought a giggle to me when it happened and I thought this "family" needed a smile as well.
PS: She seldom poses!!!


Betty, Robin Rene and Tres, thanks to all of you for this great picture. We all need a bit of light relief to keep the tears at bay and you have succeeded in putting a smile on my face. ♥♥♥♥ Here's a link to the aftermath picture...

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