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Happy 1st birthday

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Savin' room for desert...☺


what a wonderful birthday party ☺☺☺☺


What a joy !!!


Oh what fun!! :-)

One of the few times in life that you can enjoy yourself. I can only eat like this now when I'm alone. :-))

"Yumm!! Real people food!" Happy Birthday little one!! When my children were this age, they got baby food first, then stripped to the diaper, and a bowl of what ever we were eating. When they were finished, right into the bathtub!!! LOL


I remember those first few meals on their own, both my children and then grandchildren. What a mess but this baby is very proud of itself And yes lefty - straight to the bathtub. Thanks for the messy puzzle.


Looks like it's time for birthday bath after that birthday bash!

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