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r/place 2022 The Final Clean Version

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r/place was an april fool's event of where each user could place a single pixel at 5 min intervals. I am trying to find the cleanest version of the whole canvas with minimal destruction by griefers or other trolls and upload it as a puzzle. This is the version made by r/thefinalclean which has been 'cleaned up' as much as possible.
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  1. yankeefrank586:15:10
  2. pmillerXIII9:58:32
  3. barbjean10:07:58
  4. Laurashayne10:55:22
  5. PMede15:51:08
  6. dimitrisz7023:40:01
  7. Amoya125:11:22
  8. jhardy27:10:32


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I started this one a few days ago and was about 2 hours into it,then took a little break and when i came back it was gone in my unfinished puzzle section...very strange

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