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Antham Memorial

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The Anthem Veterans Memorial is a monument dedicated to honoring the sacrifice and service made by members of the United States Department of Defense located in Anthem, Arizona. The memorial's five white pillars represent the nation's military branches and are ordered in the size of each service. Each pillar has an elliptical opening that slants downward toward The Great Seal of the United States. On Veterans Day (November 11) the design allows the sun's rays to spotlight the Great Seal at precisely 11:11 AM.[1][2][3]
This award-winning monument is surrounded by 750 red paving stones engraved with veteran names. The red pavers, the white pillars and the blue Arizona sky represent the colors in the American National Flag.
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  1. crambob6:14
  2. msbonne6:55
  3. spudulike8:07
  4. olabirk8:08
  5. Googly9:12
  6. kayboblee10:01
  7. patsquire10:01
  8. Wulf_35911:20
  9. Gladstone11:40
  10. Vlh11:50


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Agreed @bbandit


Kalola, It's ingenious as well as beautiful.


I am awed. With all that's going on in this Memorial, it's a wonderful thought provoking tribute.


Gladstone , glad you enjoyed it. Too bad there isn't more about this kind of thing in the news instead of what we are seeing.


What a great tribute.
Thank you bbanfit.

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