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" Are You Two Sharing ? "

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Nanny Lily and Papa Inky are "sharing" a cooling mat folded in half. I offered to open it up to its full size, but they said they didn't need my help and wanted to go back to sleep ... which they did. 🤫
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@Bugster I think Lily's doing quite well. She has more energy. I've had to "go with the flow" and feed her when she asks for food, instead of keeping her on a schedule of two meals a day. It used to worry me when she skipped "meal times," but now I trust her. She's happy. 😁


Lily looks really healthy here. Your critters are loved. 💕


@Juba1010 They respond to the tone of voice and knew I meant well, but just were too settled to need anything else. 🤗


@KittyCounselor They definitely have a bond and communicate all the time in their own language. 💞


They’re giving you such an affectionate look. 💕


BFF's. I love it!

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