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Sugar Mill

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This restored sugar mill is at the Whim Plantation on St. Croix, US Virgin Islands.
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  1. crambob7:23
  2. Jack19537:59
  3. AlienBorn8:00
  4. marisela10:21
  5. FraLa10:53
  6. DrMary11:06
  7. grannyrose12:07
  8. texace13:41
  9. Gidobear13:55
  10. judyorr14:10


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What a fascinating puzzle. They say you learn something everyday. Thankyou


They're "all over" the Virgin Islands, also part of the United States of America. At least one is a wedding venue.


TFS, this is a beautiful windmill/sugar mill we had one in Middleburg, Kentucky in the United States of America it was so old it finally fell down; however we still go fishing there at the "Mill Dam"


This sugar mill "stars" in my mystery novel, "SUGAR MILL STORIES: Lies and Truth in the Caribbean", available at Xlibris.

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