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Balcony Flowers, small

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This was a common sight in Europe. This one is in Dusseldorf, Germany. Europe may be crowded, but the people love their flowers and green spaces. June 2013
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  1. laurajane0:11
  2. stephen0:13
  3. Ianto0:13
  4. kolicek210:18
  5. djp0:19
  6. wshealy0:20
  7. baderinwa0:20
  8. LussPoTaTo0:21
  9. anil520:21
  10. BobbyMaus550:23


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Glad you like it, ellen. I kept telling myself, "You can't photograph every flower in Europe," but I kept taking pix. I can't wait to go back. Ellen


So pretty! Thanks, FCL!

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