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Pink Astilbe

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I counted 35 flowers and/or buds in total today.
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Thanks, Marilyn, Yes they are very thirsty plants. These sit next to the rainwater barrel but I also have a tap on the wall with a short piece of hose. I'll turn on the tap every day (unless it rains of course) and hose the plant. Heaven forbid to forget to water them one day....the flowers will immediately hang their heads!


I think they are beautiful and I have tried growing them. It is just too dry here and they require too much watering.


Thank you, Pammi, When the buds are in bloom,like the top one, the pink 'plumes' look like candy floss and smell just as sweet! ☺♥☺


So pretty and so delicate-looking, Impie. I look forward to all the buds finally coming out. ☺♥☺


Thank you, Ella. I'm sorry your Astilbe takes a pause....maybe it's the heat? Last year mine didn't do too well either, because of some bug that spoiled the blooms, but this year it has come back twice as good!


Your Astilbe is so pretty! Mine will do nothing this year. :-(


That's just about the right description, Betty, though it's a tough plant☺....thanks :)

Thank you, Anne....Yes, they can become huge plants in the right spot. This pink one hardly gets any sunbeams and is more than content with the spot since :)

Zeker weten schutkleur!!! In 2002 heeft André de plant in de grond gezet en hij bloeit geweldig ieder jaar juni/juli!
Het is hier sinds gisteren ook stormachtig en we zitten niet te schudden, maar het waait door de roosters en de ramen die op de tochthaak staan! Deze Astilbe staat redelijk beschut en waaiert gewoon met de wind mee!☺ Hij geurt heerlijk zoet. ☺♥

Thank you, lurdo....they also have a delicious sweet scent! ):)

Thank you, nillie. This plant prefers a light but shady spot and doesn't thrive in the sun, though I'm not sure but I guess in Israel they wouldn't like the heat one bit! Thanks and good night♥♥ (I'll add two links to previous years of my pink Astilbe)

Thank you,'s beautiful and full this year again, last year there was some bug that spoiled most of the only few flowers that bloomed. ♥♥♥

gemstone the lacy look...and its fullness. ❤️❤️❤️


Beautiful plant! As I cam recall, it's the first time I see this lovely blossom, which means, I guess, that it will not fit in the Middle East. But it's also possible that I don't know its name in Hebrew, and there is no translation for "Astilve"... :-))
Thanks Impie and good night♥♥

Extremely Beautiful


Die is happy!!! Ziet er mooi gezond uit! 'k Hoop dat ie nog overeind staat, of hebben jullie geen harde wind? Ik zit hier weer te schudden op m'n stoel bij windkracht 6.
Zit er geur aan zo'n astilbe eigenlijk?? Staat ie in de volle grond daar?☺♥


Now that's a better photograph of this plant than one sees in the plant catalogs. The catalogs never show the plant next to something so one can see how big it will get.

So lacy & delicate.

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