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Pressure washing complete

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You can't tell from the angle but the paint on the side came off almost as good. Next step is to prime. Have fun, Dave
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  1. evina560:43
  2. Ribs0:46
  3. inny0:46
  4. emilym0:52
  5. Kate1090:55
  6. Dclo0:56
  7. DrMary1:03
  8. SmTwnLIgrl1:04
  9. mble1119111:06
  10. Mixalis1:07


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Thanks Mac that's nice to say. Jumping off here for a bit, D


I love when you update your is fun to watch ☺


That lil area Merrie has been turned into an office. Its no longer a "cow barn" but has been converted to horse stables. The Dad of the older fellow who owns it was a mason/brick layer and the whole way down the middle is brick on either side. Its pretty nice down through there. The horses in there haven't shined up to me yet but I'm working on it. The arena is way down at the other end


I'll post a pic every time we hit the next stage. Thanks you guys, D


Sure looks different today! I'd say it was a really good day's work!
Thank you, for letting us in on seeing how this barn progresses.
Dusty : )

Interesting barn...odd cut-away on the right side over the first set of dutch you happen to know why it is recessed like that or what is behind it??
You certainly did a great job! I can't wait to see the rest of the puzzles you will make from this barn.


I am always amazed at what a difference a good power washing can make. Looks like you're ready to start making it look better.


Wow, what a big job! Hope you keep having beautiful blue skies while working. :)


Good to know in case I should repaint the barn. :-/


As a general rule there will ALWAYS be hand scraping, hopefully minimum, after wash. The water pressure takes off the most at first, causes wood grain to expand. When it dries out again it releases more paint edges so you have to lightly knock those loose edges off with a good tungsten carbide scraper. Thanks Bomber, D


Wow, nice job! About 40 years ago my husband and a friend scraped and painted our barn. It took them a good part of the summer of spare time and saturdays. I guess pressure washing has pretty much done away with scraping before painting.


Ill keep you posted pasta. Its gonna be a few days. Thanks pasta, D


Wow, what a major difference from yest. Good job!! ☺☺☺

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