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by Todd Young - Night Aura

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Pembroke Welsh Corgi Dog Folk Art - Todd Young painting Night Aura
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Oops, just read the intro and its a Welsh Corgi...


But is it a shadow...i reckon it's a man's legs like @MartinFields said. A far more interesting picture.
But just to throw a spanner in the works, I think it's a fox 🦊


That's ok Gail because I have a tube in my arm which then sends the blood back to the rest of my body 🦇🦇🦇and i also have my little helpers n case I need more 🧛🏽🧛🏽🧛🏽🧛🏽nyaaaaaaaaa nyaaaaaaaaa


I try to cut you some slack @MartinFields because your brain must be affected by the blood rushing to your head down there. 😄


Perspective 😲😲😲You do remember I'm living in Australia and everything is upside down to me 🥹🥹whereas if was still in Italy 🤗😀🤗I'd be kicking some serious butt.


The Shadow knows! @Thenthishappened 😉


@MartinFields You can come up with the wildest ideas sometimes! I see the man. I guess you just need a different perspective. 🙃


You are welcome @Thenthishappened and I hope you slept well! 💤


@MartinFields The man giving the dog a piggy back is the only explanation I can think of. Don't ask me why...its not even a full moon, so can't blame it on that.


Ok 🤔That has to be a man standing by the tree but why does he have the head and body of a dog 🥹🥹


I loved putting this together...its even got a stripey tree trunk. It's also convinced me that its time to stop fighting bedtime and get some sleep.
Thanks Gail as always 😴


This is such a charming painting! Thanks Gail!


@delanee We have two new critters this year who have only recently arrived in our area. There's the armadillos who have been moving north for years now. (I've been told they swam across the Mississippi River.) And then there's the groundhogs, which have been moving south from the mountains to the north.

We've spotted both in our creek ravine, on the opposite side of the fence. I don't doubt there are creatures in the night, but I wouldn't count on Cheddar to protect us from anything. 😃


I had that tune in my head while I puzzled away...
It certainly is a marvelous night for a moon dance.
I thought of Cheddar also, but we don't want him scared of the nightlife.


I remember that song! @MLark 🎵


@DaisyBella1 You are welcome! Actually, Cheddar doesn't like to stay out by herself after dark. She tends to go off into the "Baroos" at invisible critters in the night. 😃

My first thought was, there's Cheddar sky watching. Thanks Gail.


Well, it's a marvelous night for a moondance
With the stars up above in your eyes - Van Morrison

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