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Earlier puzzle showed my offer to open up the folded cooling mat. Lily & Inky said, "No thank you,"and went back to sleep - together. It's working for them this morning. 🤫
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@Bugster Sometimes around Lily, Inky seems to think he is still the smaller. He's a father to his brood, but acts like a baby to her. 💞


It looks to me as though Lily's super comfort touch is still good for Inky, even in the heat. 💕


@beyondwords If you notice wild animals or birds suffering from heat, they sometimes like a bowl of ice outside. I sort of train the cats and kittens to like the ice cubes when it's hot & muggy and then they repay me by training me to respond when they ask for colder water. 😉 They actually sit by a filled water dish and wait for ice to be added. Lily often refuses dog park water and wants her colder water in the car thermos. 😄


@AMomentInTime Thanks for sharing all your clever ways to help your fur family deal with excessive heat. The easiest for us to try right away is ice cubes in water dishes.


@beyondwords As you know, I like the cooling mats - all these were purchased at Aldi's during a seasonal sale time and, so far, they've lasted three seasons. The animals know they exist and choose to use or not. So far, all the cats & kittens plus Lily use them when they wish.

When it's excessive heat, I also always put ice cubes in their water dishes. It's funny because they'll wait. They get bottled water (from the faucet) from the fridge, too, in their dishes so all are used to and prefer cold water in hot weather.

Last, I offer an ice cube rub down where I cup an ice cube in the palm of my hand and rub it along the back to tail until melts. Inky loves this and knows the words ice cube - he comes running. He likes to have his neck and chin done, too. Shorter haired cats usually don't like as much.

All mine prefer fans, too, instead of AC except for Lily . She likes both.


So sweet.
If climate change brings us more or longer heat waves than the one we've just endured, we may need to consider cooling mats for our crew.

More jigsaw puzzles in the cats category

4 November 2020 - 5 September 2018
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