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Shirley's An Apple Recycled

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Shirley's design that I used to make the kaleidos for this collage is in the center square. Link to the smallest size of her original:

Thanks, Shirley.
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You're welcome, Pam. Glad you enjoyed the birds and found a favorite. Thank you. Have a great day. ♥☺♥


I noticed the birds peering out from #2 right away, Ardy! I like all of these kaleidos, hard to choose a favorite. This morning it seems that #1 (upper left) appeals the most! Thank you for creating and sharing! Thanks to Shirley for original design. ♥︎☺︎♥︎


Thanks, Gail. I wondered if anyone else would see the birds. lol Glad you enjoyed this and found favorites.


Oh, this has me grinning, Ardy. Favorites are #7 and 8. Upper left looks like a yummy cake on a fancy plate. #2 and 4 have birds looking out at us!


Pleased you found two favorites today, racoonstar. Thank you.


It's numbers 2 and 3 for me today. :D


You're welcome, Shirley. Pleased you enjoyed this and found a special one. Thank YOU.


Oh I do love this one, Ardy, they are all so lovely, # 1 is a beauty as are all the rest, Thank you.

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