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Rainiqui's Funky Town

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165 pieces
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Raini posts 35 and 88 pieces.

Rainiqui posts 165, 300 and 580 pieces.
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  1. davedave6:48
  2. Tweety112810:01
  3. kaol7911:10
  4. tintu191012:43
  5. BarbaraL13:15
  6. oswalder13:56
  7. Copperpenny14:21
  8. abel15:18
  9. ta_mosquito15:36
  10. Owen415:43


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Thinking of you and wishing you all good things.


Hi Raini. So sorry to hear about your medical challenges. I think of you so often and will keep you in my prayers. I'm really glad you are feeling up to making a few puzzles. I always find it fun and rewarding to create so I hope you are enjoying that too, despite the physical and other challenges you have doing it and I hope this blessing sticks around for a while to come.

I love these puzzles. Well, I love all your puzzles, but these ones with the lines in them are especially fun. So much fun that I started one of my own as a nod to you, my dear, since I missed your puzzles so much. That was several months ago. It's still in limbo, about1/3 done. I hope you see it if and when I finish and post it. Meanwhile, Raini, I miss you and you know I wish you all the best. Much love sent your way! ♥♥♥

It is admirable that you build the puzzles, even with your physical condition. My prayer is with you at this time.

Love your puzzles and know my thoughts and prayers are with you. I have someone in my extended family with MS and he has been helped by the meds. God bless.

Gorgeous colors and patterns, and fun to solve! Thanks for sharing your puzzles! May you recover from your health problems and continue to make your puzzles!


Thanks for a great puzzle


God bless you and hope the med's work. Love your puzzles.


Hope the new meds work for you, and I think your typing is excellent. Don't worry about replying. We understand and will be praying for you. All the best, julie

Sorry to hear about your medical challenges. Will keep you in my prayers.

Fun puzzle,keep positive thoughts

So sorry to read about your health challenges! Know that there are lots of us here who love your puzzles, and wish some medical interventions which will improve your quality of life! God bless!


Awww, beautiful puzzle - - and I'll for sure be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Jonee

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