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just picked from my orange tree 1-2020

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  1. debbiebrown5355:13
  2. margitsz57:40
  3. melissamcd1:01:20
  4. Isabeau1:04:34
  5. solveme1:08:14
  6. tulay621:10:02
  7. momalley1:18:02
  8. chasboyork1:18:58
  9. HappyTrails1:26:11
  10. Hradka1:28:00


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The male tree is TALL; female tree is short. Twenty-five years ago the guy who sold us the seedlings said we had to plant them side by side in order for them to produce fruit. News to me! I posted this photo yesterday but actually took it in January 2020 here in Phoenix, AZ. The next crop should be ripening in a few more weeks and eventually I'll get about 200; so blessed here. (That bag had about 100 in it) :)

Since when are oranges ripe in august? You in Southern Hemisphere?


how do you tell a male tree from a female tree?


Joanie: WOW!!!! I have one short round FEMALE orange tree with a tall slimmer MALE orange tree right next to it. The female tree oranges are THE VERY BEST & SWEETEST I've ever tasted. The male tree oranges are THE WORST; SOUR DRY & PULPY. :))))


that bag is worth about $200 dollar's at the grocery store in Pennsylvania

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