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Mt Ngauruhoe at sunset

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This is Mt Ngauruhoe as photographed tonight by a friend of my daughters.
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Hi and Happy New Year to you. I did see you very long reply to me in art4sight thanks for all your words, I do like to write long messages occasionally and go back to see if they have been responded to. I think the back and forth is very interesting so will continue checking my older comleted puzzles. So sorry about your cat, I had one cat that I thought I had lost after a barn fire, but he returned about 3 weeks later, bedraggled but OK. He never wondered far from home after that. I think he was just very very scared and took a long time to decide to come home. Have fun with your new kitty.

Hello astrojoy, After reading a comment you made to art4sight that mentioned my name I looked up your puzzles and found this one. It is spectacular-one of my favorite times of a day is the golden-pink light of the lowish setting sun shining on the east trees while driving home in the spring and fall. This puzzle reminded me of that even though there is less golden color there! How amazing to live in New Zealand, I am in a town in northwest NY but have loved so many movies filmed in New Zealand! Thanks for this puzzle!


yes, it is really amazing.....


You're welcome. I'm so happy living down here :) Real seasons! Cheers!


WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this SO mUCH !!!!!! Thank you Glenys, for posting this. Your daughter's friend made an awesome photo.... The beauty is unbelievable !!!!!!! Thank you !!!!

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