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165 pieces
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Raini posts 35 and 88 pieces.

Rainiqui posts 165, 300 and 580 pieces.
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  1. ta_mosquito13:21
  2. BAC697814:16
  3. SueC5815:11
  4. Owen416:27
  5. forensicfire17:22
  6. sp196418:15
  7. pbee18:22
  8. 1x2x3x4x518:39
  9. clutter18:40
  10. Wen6818:54


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Your msg says... "When you have no internet, phone or TV for 86 hours". That would be torture for me, lol. But... it was also a long time ago and this is a new day, soon to be a new year. Thanks so much for the fun puzzle, Raini. It was one of two more bookmarks I have for you. I wanted to drop by and wish you all the best in the New Year and I hope you had a lovely Christmas.

It was not a winter wonderland here. It snowed most of the 23rd but we had rainy drizzle on the 24th which melted all the snow. I hope you fared better in your neck of the woods. Until the next puzzle and visit... take care, my dear.

⋆ᗰદ૨૨ʏ⋆ᐠ₍⁽˚⑅̆˚⁾₎ᐟ⋆ᘓમ૨ıડτന੨ડ⋆ & Happy New Year
✩*⋆ ⍋*☪⋆⍋⋆*✩🎄🎅 ⛄🎄✩*⋆ ⍋*☪⋆⍋⋆*✩

What a great puzzle you made, thank you!

Enjoyed this one. Took me forever, but I have plenty of time.

This puzzle was delightful to do.


loved this one - colors and design - thanks

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