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Colourful Carousel

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Like a rainbow swirling down into a tunnel.
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  1. macwhite3915:18
  2. mylos19:45
  3. BarbaraL22:53
  4. esrevell23:26
  5. naijaforever23:55
  6. astrojoy24:06
  7. olegan26:34
  8. Isabeau26:38
  9. babrle26:58
  10. irispuzzle27:47


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Uh, huh! I hear ya sister! (❛ᴗ❛)


hahaha! yeah - but these senior moments seem to be getting more and more frequent! SCARY!!! LOL!


LOL Glenys! We all have "senior moments"! (❛ᴗ❛)


LOL Kirsten! I just looked down through the comments here and I should have done that yesterday - I didn't realise they went that far back. :)


Huurrah!! I'm glad you found it, and enjoyed it! And even had an emotional connection. WOW! It reminded me of your work, which you shared with us further down in the comments in this puzzle. Which is what popped into my mind when I saw Peggi's work, and why I mentioned it to you. Hope you're well. (❛ᴗ❛)


Holy hell! Kirsten - I read through the conversation and found the link you meant and watched it - WOW - Peggy has talent! I wish I could do that. I'm all emotional from watching that (not to mention a bit dizzy!). The only attempts I've made at videos are putting a few graphics to some Tony O'Connor albums and uploaded them to youtube - to commemorate my respect and tribute to him as I think he was one of the best New Age musical artists ever (Aussie too). Plus I did a few others to some New Age music tracks that I loved. If you want to have a look at my attempts you can find them here on my youtube page. (not sure if this link will work though otherwise, I'm just Glenys D in youtube.)


Glad you enjoyed it, Glenys. But it was the link in her comments that I thought you would really enjoy - where she has animated her fractals, and set it to music! (❛ᴗ❛)


Thanks Kirsten - I've gone to the puzzle you recommended and it was lovely! all done :) You're so sweet to think of me :) Cheers! Glenys


Knowing how much you love fractals, and setting images to music, Peggi's work here (in the link in the comments) made me think of you, Glenys. (❛ᴗ❛)

Awesome! Loved the challenge!


Oh Missmack - you are a woman after my own heart - same preference for musical artists for a starter (I've purchased nearly all of Deuter and Kitaros for a starter, not to mention hundreds of other albums of new age artists. And goats were my mother's favourite farm animal too. Yep, even the kids had to wear nappies inside when being bottle fed - she even tolerated her favourites eating her rose bushes! So sorry yours got a disease that ended the whole flock! that must have been so traumatic for you. :(

Thank you for such a challenging and beautiful picture to solve. I love it. I listen to new age music - Duerter, Kitaro, and so many more on Sonic - all we can get here on tv (don't care for any except the old masters and new age. (husband finally coming around to why I like to work puzzles and the music. You are truly an accomplished person. I had dairy goats for 9 years until a deadly disease caused them to have to be put down. Loved working with the animals and their antics. I see sheep in your comments pictures. How many and what breeds do you raise? My goats were toggenbergs and Nubians (and so full of mischief.) Thank you for a real challenge, like Nuttmegg and Carthill. Missmack (usa)


Pleasure! (❛ᴗ❛)


oh thank you Kirsten - I will have a look at my settings :) TA!


Glenys - this came up in my notifications, so I thought I would mention that you can change a setting in your profile so that comments on the puzzles you create come up in your notifications too. (❛ᴗ❛)


You're welcome Madpol (Maddy?) and Francine. Since this was only the second picture I've contributed to Jigidi, I forgot to go and check for many days to see if anyone had commented - so sorry for my late reply! I'll learn :) Cheers! And keep on listening to beautiful music...


Sorry, forgot to say, wonderful puzzle, it is too late here for such a big one, so I'll bookmark it :-)


Hi Glenys, I listened to it too, (Francine told me ☺☺☺) It is lovely, so peaceful !! Am going to listen to it more.. Tahnk you :-))


Hi Glenys. ♫ I'm presently listening to your Windjana Spirit Of The Kimberley (first one). I love it and am looking forward to going through more of your albums.

I read everyone's comments too. ☺ It's lovely getting to know you.
Ontario, Canada


That would be so amazing, Glenys!!! Dream come true!!
I just shared a couple of stories on the other puzzles...


But you have all those wonderful animals - OMG I just love the photo of Felix! and d'Ali - what a great name for such a majestic animal! You must have such a catalogue of stories to tell about your very eclectic family. I'd love to sit down and share a cup of tea and a good ol' yarn. :)


WOW!!!!! This is so awesome!!! I know absolutely nothing about it, but always wondered...
You just keep going up and up in my estimation!!


Hahaha "ve have our vays!" LOL (put the accent in there you see!). Its all done by lunar cycles and the cycles of the planets and their impact upon us because of the electrical and magnetic nature of everything. Everything happens like clockwork in cycles and regular patterns. If you understand the patterns and cycles, then you can work it out as far into the future as you like. Think about biodynamic farming - those who garden by the moon - its just like that.


WOW!!! How do you know what to write?


Hi Elizabeth - "Australian book" refers to the weather almanacs that I work on writing up the daily forecasts for the country for the coming year - e.g. right now I'm writing the forecasts for the 2017 year. I have also completed doing my part for the NZ2017 weather almanac and will shortly be starting on the same thing for Ireland. I love my job!


Glenys, every note from you leaves me wanting more. "working on the Austalian book"?


Ah. That explains why I couldn't find you! LOL! I just had a peek. And the music, and your accompanying images are very beautiful! Thanks for sharing them Glenys. And it was lovely to "see" you too. You look just as I imagined you would! (❛ᴗ❛)


OH I am so happy you paid a visit to my channel Elizabeth and Ronny ! :) Yes, my friend Crystal is a very excellent artist (she's American you know, but lived here now for 30 years). And yes, I have bought hundreds of albums of this type of music over the past years, very good to work to, or just relax and have the house fill up with it gently in the background. I play Tony O'Connor's albums (i.e. The Kimberleys or Uluru) whenever I am working on the Australian book each year - it gets me in the right frame of mind for thinking Australian weather. Well, my friend Crystal is coming over shortly for afternoon tea - so gotta go and have breakfast first LOL! And pop out to the shops for some cake - Its ANZAC Day today, so the shops won't be open until after lunch though - if at all in this little town, I don't know.... hope they open. Otherwise I might be forced to face that dirty little four letter word - BAKE. Arghhh no! Cheers!


Glenys at last you did it what where you waiting for this puzzle is fantastic,fun to solve.
I have also make a visit on your site from you tube I was already a fan of the spirit of nature albums but this is a new dimension of it.I like the flute and the images you work with are melting this clips together for many hours of enjoyment and peaceful rest.Now I understand why you mention sometimes that you are listening to music when solving puzzles.
Thanks and have a good night.


Oh Glenys! The goosebumps won't go down; they may be on my arms permanently. The music is incredible! The flute!! And your friend Crystal and her clan mother art--oh my how lovely!!
And it was so nice to get to see your lovely face!!


oo "black ops" thats definately not me. I'm this - apparently not astrojoy! LOL Glenys D


Well, it's beautiful anyway! And you made videos for youtube? How amazing! I tried to find you, but it turns out there are a lot of astrojoys on youtube. (or I don't know hot to search on youtube) And I think the ones I found aren't you. Most of them had something about a "black ops" game......


Hi Elizabeth and Kirsten - sadly I can't claim to have created this - its a freebie picture from the internet that I loved and just downloaded to experiment with. I have a whole lot - folders of them - of free art from the net - quite a lot of them I have used back in my experiment with creating videos for youtube days putting beautiful artwork to some of my favourite music. I go by the same name on youtube if you want to check them out some day. And Kirsten- my favourite musical artist is an Australian :)


Glenys, you did it!!!!! And the design---it is spectacularly wonderful!!!!!
I am so happy for you!!! (and for me, because I got to solve it...)


WOW Glenys!! This is beautiful!! Did you make it? Is there a secret artistic streak that is surfacing here? It's too big for me to solve, but I did want to let you know that I love the look of it. Well done! (❛ᴗ❛)

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