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r/place 2022 Upper Left Corner

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r/place was an april fool's event of where each user could place a single pixel at 5 min intervals. I am trying to find the cleanest version of the whole canvas with minimal destruction by griefers or other trolls and upload it as a puzzle. This is the version made by r/thefinalclean which has been 'cleaned up' as much as possible.

Because the final canvas is very cluttered and it's hard to tell apart details I have split it in 4 sections. This is the upper left corner.
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  1. Aleksor3:00:01
  2. sabritton6:07:18
  3. barbjean6:30:06
  4. djla10:34:06
  5. Cornerpocket42212:37:58
  6. Clanger12:59:40
  7. loubor13:59:11
  8. buckmann19:25:26
  9. nurit666nurit22:46:41
  10. Firefly622:47:02


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OMG Aleksor, how did you finish this so fast? You must have some fast puzzle skills! Welcome to jigidi, this is a great site for puzzles.

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