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Necco Wafers

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  1. popoko0:48
  2. LadyDonna10:51
  3. lordmojo0:53
  4. Gideon1230:54
  5. Tzez1:10
  6. Kpruitt11:13
  7. andie9831:14
  8. hootowls1:18
  9. joaniebaloney1:18
  10. hart5471:21


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Two of the main aroma memories of childhood... the awful smell of the Charles River (pre - epa days), and the sweet smells of the Necco factory


Currently offered in the catalog of The Vermont Country Store (came Saturday) at six rolls for $15.95 (us) plus shipping! When I was young, they cost $.05 at the general store in town. They were/are made by the New England Confectionery Company...hence NECCO

What a sweet puzzle! Always loved Necco wafers...


BTW, I really enjoyed The Palindromists!!


Funny you should mention the Karmann Ghia. I was thinking about it today. Although I was proud to own my BMW 2002 for 14 years, it was the Ghia convertible that was the most fun to drive.


mmattera ... Necco wafers... and Karmann Ghia's... i feel i've found a kindred spirit!!


Originally from Vassar St. in the Kendall Sq. section of Cambridge, NECCO closed its Revere, MA plant last year. As 'jerrys' said, they are available in some areas. (I liked the purple ones.)


A product of the New England Confectionery Company (hence NECCO). I remember them costing a nickle, whether the variety pack or just chocolate. I believe that they are still available in some places in limited quantities for about $2 a roll.


Haven't seen these in years! One of my favorite treats at the movies...


I used to love these!

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