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Indian Legend - hope its true!

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  1. Evelynn2:57
  2. puttiecat3:14
  3. Bored13:31
  4. XJANKAX3:48
  5. wildchild4:28
  6. psychokat4:31
  7. rubyj4:32
  8. fullhousemom4:39
  9. topcat4:40
  10. lykinsc4:42


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Its comforting to think it will happen one day. So very glad you've all appreciated this. Sweet dreams.

I have never seen anything as beautiful. The old Indians had some very interesting legends and believable ones at that. Like this one. I have had a lot of animals in my life and hope they would all judge me well. Thanks for this puzzle. It is as beautiful as the legend.

Yes i believe that and makes me very happy that everyone animal i encountered were treated with decency and respect, so hoping to cross that bridge, to see some of my animals all of whom are deeply missed Thank you so much for this Psychokat


It's actually quite a beautiful thought! Thanks so much, Bored1.

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