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get-down (2)

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cat hanging upside down...why ?
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Bat cat?


An acrobat for a cat.. It is such a spectacle to hang from curtains..


@niccolino59, I enjoyed your story about your cat and kitchen curtains!


Oh dear! This reminds me of a cat I had some years ago... I had a net curtain up at the window in the kitchen back door. It had been raining & I came in from shopping with my umbrella. I wanted to open it out to drain on the lino of the kitchen floor, but it was an automatic one & I didn't want to frighten the cat who was at my feet at the time. I held onto the umbrella & very, very gently eased the button but it suddenly flew open - the poor cat flew up in the air, grasped the curtain & then proceeded to descend, landing on all four feet on the floor. The curtain was in shreds! I looked down at him, only to see that he was looking up at me with such an incredulous expression, it was as if he was saying, "What in the world was that?!"


@alumnainfo 😸 👌

🙆‍♀️🙆‍♂️😅 Seguramente estaba imitando a los más pequeños de la casa. ¿Acaso nosotros no hacíamos el "pino" e incluso el "pino puente", poniéndonos boca abajo, cuando éramos pequeños?. 🤣🤣🤣👌👍👏👏👏


@4felines It's not a video with the cat scrambling...someone with a really fast camera snapped a bunch of pictures and posted the best one.
Also, if your curtains are on a solid curtain rod, they will not sag.
Keep your does not make it any less funny...Regards, Lilli


This is too cute! I have thought about why the curtains are not sagging under the weight of the kitty. Equally, the cat's legs are perfectly straight as if standing upside down. My conclusion: photoshop!


Love the photo! Poor kitten has no idea why is upside down. Poor curtains' destiny is in rags! LOL!


oops! a little help here, please?


Your comments are delicious...keep them coming 😄 !!
Margie, I think Ada has the best explanation for how it happened...🐾 Lilli 🐾


But was moving! I had to, just HAD to. Now help me down, please! =^;^=




OMG, Lilli. That is SO FUNNY! How is he doing that?


I got a laugh! Heidi likes cats, so here ya go!



@KittyCounselor @ParsonWayne @PutterDutt
Please tag anyone who is a cat person or wants a good laugh...Lilli


"I thought I WAS down - UPside down!"



Having fun.


Fantastic photo!!!

More jigsaw puzzles in the cats category

22 August 2019 - 17 September 2015
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