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No Art - Just Colors 5

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96 pieces
90 solves
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Another experiment.
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  1. TBTeam6:19
  2. fabieg6:44
  3. srtx57:22
  4. Minibank8:40
  5. szsand8:45
  6. knome578:55
  7. mfgoddard9:14
  8. NYgirl9:28
  9. lavenderblue9:32
  10. Lili389:53


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Thanks. I‘m happy you enjoy them. .-)


Many thanks and all happiness to you, slow_j. You have given us some lovely puzzles that are just the right size. I have bookmarked them all!

Thanks. Will do. :-)


Fun, thank you! Keep 'em coming, I like "experiments".

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