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Cat Breading - meme

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This comes from The Furry Companion website: an article entitled "Cat PNG: The Evolution of Cat Memes."

Writer/compiler Agatha Imson writes,

"If man's best friend is a title that dogs own, cats are Internet royalty. When it comes to memes, our feline friends tend to make it to the top of the list more often than any other animal. Although the occasional dog, panda, or even llama garners attention, cats are a constant viral figure. And while we at The Furry Companion love all animals, it's hard to resist any form of a cat PNG.

So where did it all start? And what kitty memes might I have missed? Let's look at where the trend began and some other memorable memes that came after."

[jump down to...]

Cat Breading

No, we don't mean "breeding." Cat breading became a trend after a Reddit user shared a photo of their cat with bread around its head. Others took to copying the original post by trying it out with their cats.

Some cats appear to be quite docile, while others are not as amused.

As a disclaimer, know that no cats were harmed during the making of this cat PNG. As for the bread, that’s another story.
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  1. missjess12314:47
  2. carrps15:30
  3. barbe6316:11
  4. lene116:14
  5. wyo88832:58


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Poor cat.


:::blushing to a deep merlot color:::


Thank you for not putting a cork in it. I do need to cultivate a reputation for top quality.


That is a grape attitude Mischka.


That's true. They may not yield. I do not want my labors to be in vine, or we will all be in a ferment.


Wheat the heck are you going on about. If you stomp them like that, they may very well wine about it.


Bulgur? Then I will tell my people that we oat to mill around the silo and grind the bulgarians under our feet, until they are cornquered.

Thank you, DJ. {bowing}


If not, the situation could be bulgur.


Har de har har!!! Good one Fiona!!!



Then let us hope that the feline genes are dominant over the wheat germs.


If they match too much, they may have brain issues.


The colors do sorta match. That's important.


This, is indeed an inbread cat.


If you go to the link, you'll see that the next one looks a lot less amused. :-O

Over at the fun and informative Quora website, a knowledgeable cat roommate writes:

Cat Breading, also known as Breading Cats, is a photo fad that involves taking pictures of cats with slices of bread placed around the neck. The name of the series is meant to be a pun for "inbred" (in bread). Cats were probably chosen because they can fit in bread, dogs are to big. And because they are cute. I think that there is no other reason for choosing cats.

The original cat bread photo was posted to both Reddit and Tumblr on August 2nd, 2011, where it received over 51,000 notes in six months. It was re-shared on humor blogs Tastefully Offensive and Bits and Pieces the same day. After that cat breading became viral.

I guess that people find it funny, but will the cats agree? I would like to see those jokers bread a tiger. It is not nice to make fun of a loyal friend.


Oh...the poor baby! It does not look amused! :-)) dj

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