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Beautiful thunderegg from Australia.

Formed at the birth of Mt Hay near Rockhampton, Queensland, 120 million years ago, visitors from around the world are amazed by these volcanic gas bubbles.

As molten lava cooled, a rhyolite shell formed around trapped gas bubbles. This shell cracked allowing the gases to escape, leaving behind a hollow cavity. Siliceous liquids containing minerals and impurities entered the cavity and crystallized, sealing the cracks and forming the mysterious centers. These colorful centers are usually made up of agate, chalcedony, jasper, quartz crystal or a combination of these minerals.

These volcanic marvels are very rare, found only in a few countries, and are known by different names. Thunderegg is thought to be a Native American Indian name. They believed the Thundereggs dropped from the sky during thunderstorms. In Europe, Mt Hay Thundereggs are known by various names, such as “Amulet stone”, and “Star Agate”.

In Australia, the Mt Hay stones have some very interesting characteristics that make them unique. When polished on the outside, the partially exposed center glows if it is held over a light. When viewed under a short-wave ultra-violet light, the center glows an eerie, emerald-green color, reflecting the enormous forces of a volcano.
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  1. Murfy1:13
  2. 4wings51:14
  3. jbprols1:19
  4. Sek1:28
  5. Isaly21:34
  6. wshealy1:37
  7. WeeV1:40
  8. jackandzoe1:41
  9. fydy1:42
  10. jlilly19611:53


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Yes. congratulations Jody!

It is absolutely astounding, even bewildering, what you can learn doing little bits of reading around the internet. Case in point:

Sometime in the early 1930s British actor Reginald Denny was between scenes on a movie set when he met a neighborhood boy who was trying to fly a gas-powered model plane. When Denny tried to help by making an adjustment on the little airplane, he succeeded only in wrecking it. From this incident was launched his infatuation with model aviation, and his new hobby grew into Reginald Denny Industries, maker of model plane kits.

 Before the start of WWII when the U.S. Army Air Corps began hunting for a better and safer way to train anti-aircraft gunners than using targets towed by piloted planes, Denny and his associates Walter Righter and Paul Whittier began work on a radio-controlled target drone. Their third prototype won them the Army contract. Radioplane was formed in 1940, and during WWII it produced nearly 15,000 target drones (the RP-5A) for the Army.

Near the end of WWII, Denny gave permission for a war industry photo shoot at his Radioplane plant. The event would have passed without notice except for a pretty young employee who became a magnet for the photographers. Recognizing her potential, she was brought to the attention of some Hollywood types who agreed to give her a try. It was then that Norma Jeane Mortensen was able to leave what she later said was "the hardest work she ever had to do" to begin a Hollywood career. Of course, Norma Jean soon became Marilyn Monroe.

So Marilyn Monroe got her start from working in a defense plant owned by an English actor during World War Two!


Well Done @jodycyotee!




Big surprise!!! Thanks for the nice words! I love kind people!


See what I mean? Imagine her turned around, facing away from you:


Congratulation, Jody! 😊




very imaginative...I can taste it...bravo jody!


I agree wholeheartedly - - Green Eggs and Ham - - perfect! ☺


This win goes to @jodycyotee, way to go! 🏆🥂🍾
Thanks to @mandato @JoHe @4wings5 @patsquire and @jandchris for being good sports and good captioneers.


"Rock of Ages"


I doubt that!!! ☺


You have a better imagination than I have!


Taken as she looks away from the camera.


It looks just like her! The first thing I thought was this could be MM's head shot. ☺


No worries, June.


Okay, Pat, I have to ask...why Marilyn Monroe?


Interesting, thanks Bernadette - no idea for a name unfortunately! Sorry!


Name? Marilyn Monroe.


Excellent information, Bernadette, as always! 😀
Hmm... "Emerald Isle en Rosé "
It looks like Ireland in shape - a bit off centre... but, still...! LOL! ♪ Debb ♪




What a life this Thunderegg has gone thru to become this beauty! I would like to suggest a beautiful name but can only think of 'Green Eggs & Ham.' Maybe I'll go eat, then a better name will emerge:-)


Puff, the Magic Dragon! 🎶


Amazing! I'm lost for words..
OK let's make it:
I'm speechless LOL!

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