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Happy Thursday !!

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20 pieces
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  1. sammiegirl0:34
  2. Robbos0:34
  3. libiohac140:38
  4. greet490:38
  5. Bindimom0:39
  6. dianajnelson0:40
  7. Ianto0:41
  8. Libi0:42
  9. Hyperpuzz0:43
  10. katiezinn0:45


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Thanks, Jeri. Have a wonderful weekend 🌷💗


My wish for you also. You are a precious little pup...

Thank you and same to you!


I feel the sunshine and thank you sweet puppy and thank @jeribar8
so cute.


Well, I am reading this and I am having a very sunny day thanks to you !!!!

So sweet


Wishing you a bright sunshiny day as well my friend.

Thanks and the same to you, sweetie !


Thank you dear little dog .

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  • What are the symbols on the jigsaw puzzles?

    When you browse jigsaw puzzles on Jigidi, you may notice different symbols on the puzzles. One symbol lets you bookmark the puzzle for later, and other symbols tell you about any previous activity you may have on the puzzle.