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Tarot ~~ 29 November

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What secret wisdom will The *RECYCLED* Tarot Card Of The Day contain ~~ for YOU??
To find out ~~ solve the puzzle ~~ your mystic message will appear~! Joanne The Psychic
selected, carefully interpreted, and published this Tarot Card Of The Day. The illustrator
is unknown.

The Daily Dharma "teaching" ~ from "Tricycle" --"Letting Go Of Thoughts"
"The more we learn to let go of thoughts, the more we gain the ability to
drop our negative stories" ~~ Sean Murphy / “Get Out Of Your Head”

"This inspires you to hone your leadership skills. education, and
strategic finesse as a means of guiding others with intellect and
understanding, inviting you to channel your mental acuity and
vision into fostering productive relationships in personal and
business matters and achieving your goals with precision."
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