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  1. Dclo2:03
  2. Navea2:38
  3. dogs_n_me2:52
  4. Kriden3:20
  5. Ejc3:41
  6. 1pipnplover3:44
  7. super10003:48
  8. Susana553:49
  9. littlekitty3:51
  10. mccauleyangela4:14


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Such a beautiful arrangement. I just love the rose motif on everything and the china pitcher is gorgeous. Thank you for brightening my day.



Maruško, moc děkuji, všechny čtyři fotky, jsou parádní a jsem ráda, že jsou tady. Dobrou noc, Ella


The roses are lovely. That is a beautiful piece of china in the background. My grandmother hand painted china and I have a lot of the things she painted. That piece of china with the antiqued gold handle and trim is in the style of her early work. Later on, she opened a shop and taught china and ceramic painting and sold things she made. Sadly, people began wanting a more modern style.

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