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Guatemala grammar school mural in Petén village

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  1. moe576:29
  2. grimric6:41
  3. Valerie5147:06
  4. nonnalouisa7:12
  5. jkc11:31
  6. scummings5813:03
  7. chachajo22:10
  8. itzamaya25:38


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Wow! This is really powerful!

Hi Nonnalouisa,
Thank you for your visits. I visit too every now and then to help mostly the Maya people, women
in particular. I left Guatemala many, many years and I like to share with them what I can.


Muchas gracias. I have been three times to Guatemala to visit Presbyterians and survivors of domestic abuse. They are wonderful resilient people. Thank you, Louisa from Daytona Beach

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