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Ludwig Ferdinand Graf (Austrian, 1868–1932), Rural Interior (1909)

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  1. guestguest2:46
  2. Ebroin2:48
  3. iabdai3:22
  4. PeaceCountry3:48
  5. pcollins3:49
  6. okaplage3:58
  7. Beebes3:59
  8. ecoultas3:59
  9. K8C4:03
  10. KatieK4:09


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I don't think a rural house in Austria in 1909 would be likely to have an anteroom to a toilet (actually, where/when would that be normal?). This is clearly a bedroom; the bed must be off to the right of the doorway.

must be the anteroom to a toilet, no bed visible. not a dining room or kitchen. i like the purple floor, although it might show the dirt

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