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Chagall's Four Seasons

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A mosaic in Chase Tower Plaza, Chicago, Illinois.

This is only part of it. Wrapped around a rectangular block, the entire mosaic is 70x14x10 feet in size. I took a video while walking around it, but obviously couldn't capture it in a still.

If you visit the Art Institute of Chicago and wander a bit from that point, you'll find this easily--it's a couple blocks NW of the ARTIC, at Monroe and Dearborn.
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  1. Bemusement12:03
  2. RiverSmiles13:20
  3. snowdavy32:02
  4. jospielman57:44


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I don't have a Chicago trip on the books for now, so I'm going to research it on Google.

I hadn't known it was there, so it was quite exciting to stumble onto it!


Thank you Bemusement, what a wonder.

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