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Totally Bent Out of Shape 😲

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165 pieces
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Raini posts 35 and 88 pieces.

Rainiqui posts 165, 300 and 594 pieces.
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  1. monza00614:55
  2. amanaplan16:07
  3. karBrink16:43
  4. Copperpenny19:40
  5. k9jax5920:08
  6. asrskz21:01
  7. doubletrouble21:50
  8. mikefillary22:28
  9. archerpete_230623:10
  10. clutter23:23


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Thank you kindly for creating the puzzle. It was fun!


Thanks so much, Raini. 😊 I was so excited when I saw this. I put together most of the inside of the puzzle this time and then placed the big pieces into the frame then the straggler pieces after that. It was so much fun!!! πŸ˜„ It also reminded me of the one like this that I started making but still haven't finished. Take care, my dear and I look forward to seeing you again. πŸ’œπŸŒ·πŸŒ·πŸŒ·πŸ’œ

I loved this puzzle! Thanks so much for creating it!


That was truly a challenge! Thank you, I think :-)

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