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Show Me the Way to Go Home...

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130 pieces
150 solves
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  1. whiterose11:14
  2. jennyj11:46
  3. diedens12:15
  4. puzzlefan12:35
  5. whatnauts12:37
  6. beamol13:35
  7. fabieg14:00
  8. flurryoffun14:01
  9. lindat714:04
  10. cale214:07


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Thanks Jan - I saw the turtle too, and felt he was somehow lost in the marsh!! I'm glad you had fun solving it though :~)

Thanks whatnauts - I did wonder if it would be difficult - that probably explains the fairly low solve rate for the big size one!! LOL


This is an interesting abstract and more difficult than it looks. Thanks, monza :))))


I see a very large turtle trying to find his way back into the marsh! (Weird, I know, but that's what I see!)
Lovely, colorful photo! I wandered around lost in in (much like the turtle), but I had a ball solving it. thanks so much, Mandy! 18:50

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