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  1. mariolyn0:13
  2. nela090:13
  3. mesecinka0:15
  4. pumpkinhead0:16
  5. cevas0:16
  6. like921150:16
  7. mustsal0:17
  8. jpitts0:17
  9. stephen0:18
  10. Tidewater0:18


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Hi Ank. Thank you very much! Your new profile picture is very nice!


Hi I did not post my comment. Sorry. This is a very beautiful shot Cathy. I just love that stones, the water and the light on it. It's a pictures what makes me lyrical. Thanks very much.


Hi mariolyn. Thanks for your comment. I wore regular shoes that day because it wan't raining and I stayed on the path (Oct 25th puzzle called The Trail). But here in North Van I often wear rainproof boots.


Do you use waterproof boots?


Thank you, jcarroll and katzmum. I'm always happy to read your comments.




Hi pumpkinhead. It's 4 km ( about 2.5 miles ) long.


How long of a hike is the trail on Mosquito Creek?


Taken Oct 4th on the Mosquito Creek trail in North Vancouver, Canada.

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