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Ferris wheel!!

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  1. krondar29:59
  2. mcoward30:39
  3. tugman2234:04
  4. prussian35:07
  5. sabmir35:39
  6. debcar6236:29
  7. vero1338:14
  8. mnpuzlr39:40
  9. pima1743:27
  10. north2745:48


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You can tell her that I thought this was a really good pic!! :-))


My sis took this... she is a photographer, in recent years has begun nature photography and is extremely gifted. I will be helping her with the business end when I get there!


nice pic, kathy! very ethereal! did you or sis take the pic?


Yes I would do that one too! Here is my picture now, I must have forgotten to hit save. This is a shot through the cotton fields behind my sister's home. North Alabama is still a major cotton producer, along with the aerospace and defense industry!


it's been a long time for me, too, kathy. i would love to go on the london eye. i think that would be spectacular!!


I was always a bit squeamish about ferris wheels... loved roller coasters. It's been a really long time since I rode either:-)))

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