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Two for the price of one

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Thanks, Deborah. Glad you liked it.


A very nice combo, Gail. :)))


Kirsten and Magda, if you wait a while, it'll get even less expensive.


Thanks Gail. That was very good value for the money. LOL


A bargain! I'll take two please!! LOL

Thanks very much Gail. So good to "see" you around again. :)))


Thanks so much, wilddog, lela and Edie. Lela, this is just the start of it. Later on, if I find a buyer, I'll have major blow-out sales, and maybe even offer four-for-one doorbusters.


This was nice and easy, perfect winding down puzzle, thanks Gail.


Pretty good value this your closing-down sale?.......


Another beautiful puzzle.

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