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View from my room - Výhled z mého pokoje

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Thank you, mydoghasfleas. So pleased you liked it.


Indeed, this is a lovely view!


Mothers are always right, that's the rule. :-)

My apologies for the geography error. I knew the countries had separated but didn't remember what the individual countries were called.

So the Latin pelargonia would work in both countries. My mother made me learn Latin names for plants because she said they are the same all around the world. She was right as usual.


We call them ""muškáty" or "pelargonie".
I spent most of my life in Czechoslovakia, but Czechoslovakia no longer exists. Since 1.1.1993 are 2 states - the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

In the U.S. most people call these geraniums although they are really pelargoniums. How are they called in Czechoslovakia? Thanks Libi

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