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Broken Hill Australia

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  1. marciale4:17
  2. DarcyB4:38
  3. Graciela4:49
  4. dclk115:02
  5. tholin5:14
  6. Lada5:31
  7. ailsa375:37
  8. skylablue5:54
  9. Carol666:02
  10. magdacz6:03


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Where are the people? Maybe it's a sunrise and they're not out of bed yet? Have you heard the old saying, "Red at night, sailors delight. Red in the morning, sailors take warning." ? It's amazing how the weather often does fall in line with the message


Lovely photo! Thanks, TG. The Hill is an individual sort of town. It's in New South Wales but uses the neighbouring state of South Australia's time zone!


One of the most gorgeous sunsets I've ever seen. And the clock tower! Wonderful puzzle, TG. Thanks so much!


Beautiful TG, this place looks exactly like Niagara on the lake.

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