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Daisy Fresh

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  1. Abc10:51
  2. anive560:51
  3. Dclo0:52
  4. Cockrobin0:53
  5. emilym0:58
  6. auntmom71:10
  7. limpduck1:16
  8. dogs_n_me1:17
  9. Bella10001:18
  10. Subee1:20


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Thanks Marina for the nice comments :)


Raindrops go well with daisies. Beautiful flowers and puzzle. Thanks.


Emily hope your recovery is going well take care☺♥


thanks Deanna, you too!! Happy 2020!!


thanks Val and Happy New Year to you as well. I've been in recovery from my hip replacement and may be able to look for some fences....we'll see!!


Happy New Year Emily miss your fences ☺♥


Emily, I wish you a lot of health, joy, happiness and all the best in 2020

╔═══════❃ﻬ❧️❄️☙ﻬ❃ ═══════╗
❄️❃***❃ Happy New Year ❃***❃❄️
╚═══════❃ﻬ❧️❄️☙ﻬ❃ ═══════╝

Love it! Thanks, Nora.


this is so beautiful thx ☺☺



Thank you Emily☺


Val, I've been enjoying the photos of your garden. Quite a bit of work to keep all of that up but you do it beautifully. Thank you.


Gorgeous just found this one thank you Emily☺☺


Exceptional beauty, looks professionally photographed. TFP emilym


Dear Sis, thank you, from your weird sis!!! No more combing the papers looking for your untimely demise or adding your name to the "missing jigidiers list"....but let's remember, no hang gliding or swimming with will need to return to us :)

Have a great time in the has just started raining here (sigh) and it won't be stopping for a bit.


OK, Sis, just so you don't go weird on me, remember I am leaving on 2 week vacation today. The kids loaned me a laptop and there is free Wifi there so I may be able to keep up. No promises. I am so looking forward to basking in the sun and being WARM. Later.


one of my faverote flowers


There is definitely something about daisies....wet or dry...that I find appealing. Glad you girls feel the same :)

So sweet, the raindrops make it look so special.


Daisies are such a friendly flower said Meg Ryan in "You've Got Mail".

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