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More Freehand Circles (Smaller)

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We do use the word, but, at least for me, it's always accompanied by one or more words of four letters each.....! Thanks so much, Jan! :-)))


Pretty, but scary puzzle. It looks a lot like a s***er web to me. We don't use the "S" word in our house! Do love the bold colors. And, it was a fun solve. thanks, Pat


Hello from the land of inoperable (wait, that sounds medical and not technical....)....okay, non-operating computers.... That any better?! I'm glad you all enjoyed this, and I hope it won't be the last I make in the near future.... Dang......

Thanks, jb, Aishah, Edie, Katie, Ardy, and zz! :-))))))


Well, Ms. Pat. You know how I feel about your freehand creations. I LOVE this.


Great, Pat. I can't draw a circle on paper free hand. Don't know how you can do it on a computer. Lots of fun. Thanks for sharing.


I find your freehand creations so joyful. Thanks Pat! :>)


It's been awhile since you graced us with some of your freehand creations. Always enjoy them. Thanks Pat


Very nice Pat. I can't wait to get to the large version this evening.


Thank you for two colourful puzzles jb:~))

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