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mia nonna Milena

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  1. Sweetums1:34
  2. bck2wrk1:37
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  4. Ilikeboats1:43
  5. Ceefercat1:48
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  10. jals1:57


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Me too. You remain one of my favorite friends on Jigidi, Milena.
But you see, they had to add a clause to everyone's insurance, called the "Milena Clause" where if there's an accident and she is within a hundred kilometers of the accident, it's a plausible defense to say "Milena caused it."


I'm glad you find the time to post puzzles and chat a bit! :o)


Look ... I'm pretty good as a driver, so no road accidents !!!

And I'm not the type to throw a car in front of me without looking good.

And so you know that for me creating puzzles is a favorite relaxation. Too bad I don't have much free time available. But I'm glad I could stay here with you.


This is the lovely Milena, who publishes many fine picture/puzzles for piecing.

Be thankful that she donates her time to keep us all entertained.

Thank you Milena.


Jason I think PutterDutt and I know for myself I wasn't talking about causing accidents while driving!!


I think that's why she has so many cars in her repertoire. She has to replace all the cars from accidents she caused. :D


I think you can STILL cause car crashes, Milena! :o)


yes Milena even now you are quite lovely. At 18 to 25 I expect you caused car accidents. eddie


I will still say Ooh La La, and that is no joke. Maria ;-)


Oh, Milena. You look younger than some of the people that are my age. And that is no lie. I see some of them, and I say "Holy Hell..." to myself. But you are quite lovely. If I saw you in a coffee shop, I would probably flirt with you.


Yes, the photo was taken in Prague.
No, I won't put my picture close to my daughter's and granddaughter's photos, I can't ruin their images.
And this is life, dear prawnpron ... time passes for everyone (only it seems to me that it passes faster for me).


Are you sure you haven't posted yourself in some of those glamourous shots before? I mean, you're wearing more clothes in this picture, but some of those must have been you. And yep, you're way out of my league. And, I would be remiss if I didn't also say that that's a swell looking house too. Prague?


Thank you.

So your hair colour is different to the autumn picture, still a good person and it's what is inside that counts; you can never judge a book by it's cover or a film by it's book.

Enjoy your day.


Yes, I DO understand the feeling you've expressed here. My souls says to me that it wants to live forever, but my body is sending me increasing warnings that it is wearing out... sadly!



Beb, it's true that I wrote in Italian ... but it was written ... the photo was taken in Prague many years ago ...
Amelie is my granddaughter and my hair starts to have silver in between. The photo is just to give some idea that I'm not like all the beautiful girls in my puzzles. Plus ... time makes its signs. The only thing I wrote ... I don't have time to grow old ... because inside me I always feel like I used to.
I wish a nice day.


If this is you, Amelie, Milena, bujal, then I thank you very much for the picture. :D
Some of the things you have written in the past give the impression of a much older woman with grey hair and the wisdom of years. I'm pleased to see that you are younger than I have imagined you to be... still with the wisdom that normally comes with years, but no grey hair!

I am still hoping to meet you next time I am in Europe.



I have and I wrote that you and your family are very Beautiful


Sí, sulle pagine di amelie17 (che sarebbe questa) puoi vedere tante foto di mia famiglia ... mia figlia Anita e mia nipote Amelie...basta che guardi questa pagina.


Are you talking about amrelie17


John, la foto non é nuova, comunque era scattata a Praga tanti anni fa, e questa casa non é mia, a dire la veritá a Praga non vorrei abitare neanche per sogno!! Sono felice nella mia cittá che é circa 70 km da Praga. Un posto tranquillo.
Ma hai trovato quelle foto che ti ho mandato link (quello di mia figlia?)


Sei Molto Bella, e` la tua casa. PS L'ho trovato lol


What a beautiful picture. You are a very pretty woman. Thanks for posting this. Hug my friend.

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