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Love by Romero Britto

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Oops!! I missed this one for my Valentine week.
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KEEP UP THAT EXERCISE IT'S GOOD FOR YOU!!!! Yes, you will ache but it's a "good" ache.

You can yell at me now because I need to exercise too. I went to the "Y" last year and screwed up my knees for weeks. I could barely go up and down stairs. I seem to do things wrong which tends to mess up my body versus help it. I wish my physical therapist was still in Rochester. It was like having a personal trainer who understood all my issues - both physical and mental. LOL LOL


Better late than never. This one is so sweet. Enjoyed my time in the pool this morning, didn't really want to get out! Trouble is, this pool is in a facility that is geared for older people and the pool was quite warm. Makes exercising a little difficult as I tired rather quickly. And strangely enough, I ached more after I got home. Guess I'm just not used to it.

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