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Wise dog!

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You're welcome, Donna! : )


TOTALLY!!!! (ha) Great advice and for this doggie, WONDERFUL advice. (ha) Thanks for posting this, Dottie.


Haha! Good advice, Rinkles! Thanks for stopping by. : )


Haney, so glad you finally got rid of the groundhog. We got rid of the foxes. The opossum finally moved on, too, after we successfully got their 'entrance' under the deck covered. Thankful for a son-in-law who is good at things like that. He's has a construction company and had lots of "tools" for the job.
Have a good day, dear friend. Hope Paula is doing well.


Lin, I have heard of several encounters with skunks. They always get in the last "word" so to speak. We just had to spend a sizable amount of money to get a groundhog out from under our deck. They can do a lot of damage to a foundation of a building...thankfully not ours! Haney :-)


Dottie, great puzzle. As we get older, patience and wisdom become more important! Thanks. Haney :-)


Haha! Yay Lin! for getting rid of it. Thanks for the tip so if I ever have one hanging around my house. :) Hope you are well and feeling good. Thanks for dropping by, sweet friend! : )


Ahhh, yes, Dottie - my 'wisdom' comes from our precious Lord's guidance. Reminds me...long story/hopefully...short. Couple of yrs ago, a skunk was DEFINITELY under my house; PHEW! Cost an arm/leg but succeeded in getting humanely trapped and taken further out into the country. Imagine my SURPRISE...not just one, but a family had homesteaded under there! Finding myself deep into 'country' yrs ago, I did a whole of READING. Luckily! Tiz true...scatter bowls of vinegar all thru the house to less lingering odor of...skunk! It DO work! : )


Haha! Hi Cuz! I agree! Hope you have a great day.


Ain't that that truth!

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