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TICA has struck again...with an unfortunate, very dizzy, Painted Pony!!!

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Sounds yummy!!! Enjoy it for me too!


MMM!!! Sounds tasty!!! I've just taken a Chocolate Fudge Date slice out of the oven - think I'd prefer mine to yours :))))


Oh Rob...Next time I do one with feathers, I'm going to call it Bird Stew! You'll always wonder! :DDD


Gotcha figured out now, Kirsten! :DDD


That's nice & soft & feathery Deborah - definitely non-animal!!


Drats! Looks like I've been caught out! I put my principles BEHIND my desire to solve nice kaleidos! Shhhhh. Don't tell anyone. LOL


I like the sea anemone thing! But you don't fool me...You feel no guilt when I blend critters!!! LOLOLOL!! You just enjoy them! :DDDDD


This one looks more like a sea anemone to me! But at least a painted pony is an inanimate critter. So I feel no guilt! Muah ha ha! LOL Thanks Deborah!! :)))

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