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Mordred: Still a creeper.

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  1. chita102314:08
  2. cabinfever16:37
  3. lindaleigh18:34
  4. Trish230:02
  5. Anne66630:58
  6. Caseyh41:18


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Hey you - was beginning to wonder. Glad you are back. Have you completed your move and got settled in Chicago? Grad school starting soon? Mordred is darling. How are the rest of the furried ones?


Hello once again, Mordred. Wow, that is a very funny pose but that's our boy. MM, has your move to Chicago taken place? I am hoping that you are feeling well now and that Cujo is fitting into your life very happily. ☺☺☺

Welcome back ! to you and your fur family, as well as the new addition.


Oh, Mordred I'm so glad to see your Mum posting your furry face again. MM tell us what you are up to! No matter what, I'm super glad and so are others I'm sure, to see you posting!


Only Mordred can have an upside down head and still be fun to solve. Thanks.

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