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Life is hard

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I like to make people smile as you can probably tell by the puzzles that I post. Laughter is a lot like a stone being dropped in a calm lake. Once you drop it in, it will send ripples of happiness in every direction, happiness never decreases by being shared. To be kind to all, to like many and love a few, to be needed and wanted by those we love, is certainly the nearest we can come to happiness.

A smile starts on the lips, a grin spreads to the eyes and a chuckle comes from the belly. But a good laugh bursts forth from the soul, overflows and bubbles all around.

Laughter will always be the best medicine, silence will always be the best revenge and love will always be all you need. Laughter is the best medicine but if you laugh for no reason, you need medicine.

Life isn't measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away.

Don’t live life so seriously, always have time to laugh. Laughter not only adds years to your life, but adds life to your years!!! Bonnie :))

I am also trading as stillmanic :))

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  1. Piggie0:06
  2. Bubble0:08
  3. hippo0:08
  4. racoonstar0:08
  5. francine19470:08
  6. JennyG660:09
  7. Watchman0:09
  8. Dulsineja0:09
  9. alias2v0:09
  10. treker0:10


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Seems we are Bubble! ❤️


Judy, Brian glanced at me a few times and didn't recognise me with my new hairstyle - I did ask him if he'd cloned himself and he said yes !

If I hurt myself in public, I NEVER let it show; many years ago in London I fell with all my weight on the underground escalator which had deep grooves in the steps.

Pretended nothing had happened, dragged myself on the train and spent the next 3 months with massively bruised legs, today they would have both been broken !
We're obviously two peas in a pod (❀ᴗ❀)


You've given me a great chuckle this morning! I can see me doing that. LOL
I wonder what Brian was thinking when you kept glancing at him.

I look around after I trip to see if anyone was watching. lol
Last time I fell, I was stepping up a curb and didn't lift my foot high enough and went down on the pavement Took the skin off a good portion of my knee and hurt like heck. But I still glanced around to see if anyone had seen. I couldn't see anyone, so I sat there for a second and then got up, even though I really felt like just sitting there and crying. Continued into the building I was headed into, delivered my item and was walking back out to my car when I ran into a couple of nurses. Spoke to them a minute and one of them noticed my knee was bleeding quite a bit. Headed to the car to dig out some bandages, drove home, and then told hubby about it and had my cry.


LOL brilliant :))


I'm pretty good at remembering faces but not so much names and yesterday we were out at lunch in the next city half an hour away and I said to hub 'the man at the table behind you who is facing me looks almost identical to Brian (a friend), he's even dressed like him but this man looks a bit older'. I kept looking at him and could see a huge resemblance but said to hub not to turn around and make it obvious we're looking. 15 mins later we finished lunch and I said 'when you get up turn around and have a look at this guy, its just amazing how much he does look like Brian. So hub got up, turned around and said, 'he looks like him, because it IS Brian. You could have knocked me over with a feather so I went straight over and told Brian and his wife, we all had a laugh ………….. No alcohol was involved in this story. (❀ᴗ❀)


Does anyone else, after tripping over (nothing), look behind them to see what 'tripped' them?

I have people who say hello to me that I swear I have never met. I either have one of 'those faces' or my memory is worse than I thought!! :(


I think it's important to be able to laugh at yourself. I was telling my brother recently, that I had introduced myself to a young woman at the annual church picnic. She replied, "I believe we've met before at church."
He thought it was hilarious that I had introduced myself to the same person twice. lol
I thought it was funny too.


Just don't be standing on the yellow line when the train comes in ! (❀ᴗ❀)


It is :))


Always handy to have someone near by to blame!

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