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Thanks Li! Now I know the state flower of Washington! Rhodies ... another cute nickname!


Beautiful, Cathy! These are the state flower of WA, where I grew up! I've called them Rhodies, another permutation even yet!


Thank you Warbler! I've heard them called Rhodos but never Rhidies! Interesting things one learns on Jigidi!


What Jack said but with a capitol A and B! Nice Rhidies, Thanks cevas


Oh!!! You're back! That's great!! Thanks for the comment.


absolutely beautiful


Thank you Gladstone. I'm glad you like them.

Thank you Ank. That's wonderful. I'm sure you and Elly will take lots of pictures when you are together!!

Thank you very much Suzy!!

Thank you for your reply, Anezka.
Dekujeme za Vás komentár.


Very beautiful flowers, it is difficult for us to grow, not soil acidic.


Another nice photo, Cathy! The color is lovely.


Hi Cathy, good afternoon. This is a beauty. Thanks. Denise has the same time as I do. So 9 hours differences. I solvd this one but for the rest I look pictures, not enough Jigi time, but the project is almost ending. Saturday Elly comes for about four days, after I think I will have more Playing time again.


Thank you Cathy for sharing your great looking flowers.


Thank you Denise. Good ... um? ... evening in South Africa!

Thank you Jim. It's still morning in Missouri. Hope you have a good day!

Thank you Lorna. I hope your are having a good day in England too!!


Yes, (and I am at risk of sounding like a parrot here) just beautiful!


Morning Cathy:-))
Beautiful :-))

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