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150 pieces
88 solves
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  1. Burvixese12:42
  2. estewart14:13
  3. Peanuts115:29
  4. geertje194416:03
  5. Sister195717:28
  6. Choupas18:00
  7. Bizarro18:49
  8. Basshole8820:31
  9. Helmakay4520:33
  10. waglib20:38


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It's called Christiania and is an "alternative city" in the city of Copenhagen, Denmark. Lots of hippies live there. Peace and love. No violence, no guns, no homophobia, no hard drugs allowed.

A place I would love to visit! Thanks for sharing.

What is this place? I totally enjoyed doing this puzzle - I want to go beyond those blue doors. The colors are great - I love the composition. Do more please

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